Sunday, September 30, 2007

September musings

September has been such a special month this year. The weather has been absolutely beautiful, day after day after day. I have reveled in the crisp autumn mornings, taking a walk just as the sun was coming up. Truly invigorating. And then the sunsets... colors that make me want to reach for my watercolor palette. Each one so distinct in colors, yet each a recognizable sunset. And every sunset, down through the centuries, unique.

I was thinking of it today -- Sunday, September 30. God has made each person and personality distinct, to help us understand that He is so huge, it takes all of us to manifest the many facets of His being... He's shy (doesn't insist that we pay attention to Him), but also out-going. He's joyful, but also feels deeply the pain of the world, He manifests His splendor in huge paintings (the sunrises and sunsets) twice a day, yet does not demand that we notice Him.

September has given me lots to think about. This is just a wee taste...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday in Indiana

It's a beautiful afternoon here in Millersburg -- the sun is shining, a gentle breeze is blowing and it feels like September! Imagine that... Where did the summer go? Clayton and I were out for our morning walk and he commented that it seems the summer was so short, and then we both realized that we had arrived about half way through... We got here just in time for the 4th of July events and the weeks following that seemed sort of like a blur.

This week, on 9/11, we made a significant stride forward personally. At a meeting with the discernment team assigned to help us process our future, we made a statement clarifying our continuing desire to work in South Ecuador, asking them to help us discern if that also seemed to be God's leading as they understood things. The initial response was very positive, though all of us are willing to continue to "listen" for God to indicate otherwise. This feels like a huge step to us after so many months of trying to remain open and hear other leadings. We are beginning to write a new chapter in our young lives! Yipeee!!