Saturday, June 27, 2009

Growing Pains

A song from the 60's hummed its words into my thoughts: "Oh, when will they ever learn?" except that the words said, "Oh, when will she ever learn?" I was stressing over something that seemed to be going wrong. God, can't You see that this should not be happening? my thoughts protested. This is NOT how it's supposed to work out.

On a Sunday night as we drove home from Arenillas, Clayton told me of his conversation with Boris following the evening meeting. Feeling the pressures of a new job, a baby on the way, and various other time and family constraints, Boris wanted to be released from the leadership role of the Arenillas house church network. My first reaction was to protest. It seemed completely wrong. I wondered where God's hand was in this mixed up picture. Then a quiet voice asked, "When will you learn that what looks mixed up and out of control to you may well be that I am moving and bringing growth? When will you learn to trust and anticipate instead of defaulting to panic and worry? Oops! Sorry, Lord.

Gradually we could see a well-laid plan begin to take shape. Our goal has been to form a team of leaders. This seeming upset was God's way of showing Boris he needed to open himself to participating on a team, and convincing the other men that the church and responsibilities had grown and were now more than a one-man job: a team effort is required. Clayton gathered the men in an important meeting shortly after, and the first Arenillas leadership team was formed. The men decided to appoint Edgar as the leadership team coordinator. The men, from Clayton's left, are Segundo, Victor, Edgar, Boris and Fransisco (back to camera).

Hardly without coincidence, God was working on other details. That very same weekend Edgar and Magaly moved from a small apartment into a more spacious house, right in the neighborhood of several of the church families. Their livingroom offers a large meeting place. They were eager to invite the group to their home for the first time. Looking back over the events, we could see God's timing clearly. God was arranging for a team to be formed, a man to take the lead, and an adequate place where group growth could happen.

I'm learning that it's so much better to believe and anticipate!

Edgar is in the blue shirt at the far end of the living room, and Magaly is seated on the low seat beside him.

News from the Mountains:
Up in the hills above Chordeleg, in the tiny settlement of Zhondeleg God has opened doors again -- or maybe the doors were never completely shut!

In November 2008 Luis Vega prohibited his family from continuing with the home Bible studies that Sixto Gomez (Gualaceo) had been leading. The family's interest in Bible study began because of Sixto's testimony to several of his English students. The father was in the United States when the meetings began, but upon his return he opposed their continuing.

The nine adults attending the Bible study hoped and waited, expecting that with time Luis would soften and be more favorable toward the meetings. But he remained staunchly opposed.

Miguel Vera, grandfather to Sixto's English students, and father-in-law to Luis, had made a commitment to Christ and was strongly considering baptism. He longed to continue the Bible study meetings, but what could he do? He and his wife live under the same roof as Luis. Who's the boss in a blended household? But Miguel did not lose hope. He shared his new faith with other family members, and eventually another married daughter opened her home for the meetings. Miguel was so excited as we gathered on May 29 to begin again.

A mixture of adults and children gathered, representing four generations of the Vera family. Thank God for a man like Miguel who would not rest until he had found a way to provide for the precious Word of God to be passed on to his descendants.

Prayer is the golden key to bringing divine intervention into each precious group of believers. "When we work, we work; when we pray, God works," wrote Hudson Taylor, missionary to China. Those words are true wherever God's people do Kingdom business. Whatever else God might be planning to do in the near future, we know it needs prayer back-up. Will you join us?