Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More tears, singing and laughter

A picture is worth a thousand words, so here goes for a l-o-n-g post!!

You have been enjoying the colors of the changing leaves of fall. We are also enjoying lots of color right now -- but our colors are of a different hue. This street is about six blocks from our house -- aren't the purple trees beautiful?

October 31 found us back in Arenillas for the third wedding this fall.
The bride was teary during the ceremony, and told the group later, "I never dreamed I could be a bride." She is already a mother and grandmother (late 30's), but God has brought heart change and she and Angel together turned a page in their lives. They finalized their marriage vows by washing each other's feet in symbol of their willingness to serve each other.

The singing led by the brothers from Gualaceo, seemed especially meaningful that evening.

A Family Fun Day at the river was planned for Sunday, November 1, along with a baptism of the newly married couple. While the women busily prepared typical food to be cooked over an open fire...

... the men manned the fired. It was a very rustic setting -- no picnic tables and grills to do the barbeque! It was a team effort. The food cooked as we proceeded with the baptism.

Many shed tears as we heard Angel and Eugenia's testimony of how God has brought powerful, positive change in their lives, which, they confessed, were a wreck before God did His work in them. They humbly confessed their past failure and their faith in God's forgiveness and transforming power for their lives. You can support their new life in Christ with your prayers.

We sang several songs of praise beside the river after the baptism.

Soccer, anyone?

A rousing game of soccer was the first sporting event of the afternoon. The Gualaceo men challenged the Arenillas fellows, and with some help from substitute players filling in their team, the Gomez brothers took home the trophy! Lots of laughter and good attitudes made the game both fun to play and fun to watch!

Various teams had their turn in the gunny sack race -- even Clayton couldn't resist this one, and came in second in his group.

Sounds of laughter filled the air again and again -- hilarious soccer games (even the women had a turn), relay races, an egg toss, and knocking down several home-made piƱatas filled the afternoon hours. As unsaved friends and family members participated in the activities, they could see and experience first-hand that being a Christian does not mean that life turns boring or sad. This family of God, at least, was having a wonderful day.

As darkness descended we finally left the riverside. It was a day to remember for a very long time.

There are now 15 baptized believers in Arenillas, besides the founding leader couple, Boris and Veronica. The first baptisms were in June 2007.

The two days in Arenillas were a bountiful blessing from our Father. The Arenillas family was encouraged and rejoiced together. The sister church in Gualaceo was touched and blessed again with the love and open arms that received them. The two of us received rich encouragement on this last visit before we leave for the US for two months. Christ is building His church in South Ecuador. Hallelujah!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A time to laugh (sing) and a time to weep...

September was a time of singing! Thirty-two youth and adults from Gualaceo and their out-reach groups in Chordeleg and Zhondeleg came together to Cuenca for a rousing Christian concert by Marcos Witt. It was an evening we will long remember, as we squeezed to fit in our spot in the bleachers! Just four days later the Gomez "band" traveled with us to help celebrate another happy wedding in Arenillas. Below: The two Gomez brothers and two nephews pose with Damian Calle from Cuenca (yellow tank top shirt), who emceed the wedding - young men with lots of talent and eagerness to serve God.

Ricardo and Estela were the happy couple on September 19 who followed through with their plans to be married. It is exciting to watch how the desire to obey God and establish a public marriage bond has become contagious among the believers in Arenillas. One more couple plans to be married yet this year!

Ricardo and Estela are the parents of Jennifer and Allison. Here Allison puts together a puzzle of Jesus the Good Shepherd that the Maple City Chapel prayer team gave to Jennifer after she prayed to accept Christ.

On Tuesday, October 6, we received the shocking news that two and a half year old Domenica, granddaughter of Josefina and Ivan Bravo of Arenillas, had been run over by a pick-up and killed. Josefina is a baptized believer -- her husband and two teenage children are not. Josefina and Ivan (mid 30's) had lovingly helped to raise this child of their unwed daughter. The tragic death of their granddaughter in front of their home was a terrible blow.

We joined the family and Arenillas believers, and together we grieved the loss of this little girl. Clayton walked with them through the process of a funeral. On Thursday afternoon many friends, neighbors and relatives gathered as the time to leave for the cemetery drew near. In a short meditation, Clayton challenged each one to choose the path that would assure their entrance into a heavenly home.

Later we left the cemetery, piling together into the back of a small truck for the ride back to the city. (The custom here is to walk to the cemetery for the burial, no matter how far away the cemetery is.) Josefa, another sister in Christ, rode with her young child in the cab of the truck. She told me later: The driver of the truck asked me what my relationship is to the family of the deceased, - a sister? cousin? friend? Josefa told me with a gleam in her eye, "I just told him I'm closer than a sister." The sad smile on her face and the gleam in her eyes expressed very well our connection as brothers and sisters in Christ. This death touched us all and drew us together.

The following pictures show little Domenica as we all knew her -- a tiny child: someone you wanted to protect and hold. She is the little girl dressed in gold in the wedding photo. The first two photos were taken in August. The last one was taken during a Christmas event for the children this past December.

Once again we are reminded: "Life is fragile - handle with love and prayer."

What will the next challenges be for these young believers? They are learning to care for each other as Christ planned for His Body to do. Together they seek God in the Word. Together they pray. Please pray that they will grow strong and sturdy in their faith as life's experiences teach us all to lean harder into God and His strength.

Monday, August 31, 2009

August - A Season for Celebrating!

After quite a long space of "normal activities", August supplied us with reasons to celebrate!

During the first week in August, the Gomez family of Gualaceo received the wonderful news that their oldest sister Nelly had been reconciled with her husband, Gonzalo. There marriage had been a rocky one, and for almost two years they were separated. Their reunion was cause for rejoicing and tears. Their two sons were so excited to have Mom and Dad together again. David said, "Now we are a real family again!" Please pray for them as they try to put their lives back together, and as we all hope for their surrender to and choice of a full salvation.

Wedding Bells:

On August 15 Luis and Maricela of Arenillas put their three-year common-law relationship into God's hands, asking His blessing and favor to rest upon them as they made their marriage vows before the Body of Christ in Arenillas. Their desire was that their wedding would be a service of praise to God. It was a special celebration for all of us.

Luis and Maricela chose to fill their wedding ceremony with "lots of singing." They invited the Gomez musicians of Gualaceo to provide the music, and the evening was filled with singing and worship to God. Luis and Maricela were thrilled with the outcome of their special night. Both said later, "I could hardly keep from crying for joy -- God's presence was so real." The photo depicts their grateful hearts for all God has done in their lives. Sunday, following the wedding, the church gathered at the river and Luis and Maricela were baptized.

Anniversary Celebration in Gualaceo:
On August 29 the Gualaceo house church and their out-reach groups in Chordeleg and Zhondeleg gathered to celebrate the 6 Year Anniversary of the beginning of the Gualaceo house church. On August 30, 2003 the first baptisms were realized, with Nate Olmstead helping to baptize the present church leader, Sixto Gomez. Now, six years later, we gathered to remember what God has done and rejoice at the present work He is doing. Approximately 80 people attended the event.

These happy faces are representative of the glow of joy that we all felt that day. These girls were very little girls when the church work began. Sheila Nolt taught Bible classes which involved them and their older siblings. They were eager to pose for a "picture for Sheila"!

A significant part of the anniversary event was the baptism of six people. What a special way to continue the work begun by adding new members to the local body of believers!

As patriarch of the Vera family of Zhondeleg, Miguel took the step of being the first to be baptized in his family, symbolically inviting the generations to come to follow his example. The blog previous to this tells how he worked to find a way to get the stalled Bible studies begun again within his family. The photo above shows Miguel and his wife, Amada, enjoying a special part of the anniversary program - a celebration of praise.

Edi and Maria Magdalena (Gomez) (center of photo with Clayton) were married in 2005. Maria Magdalena had become a member of the church the previous October, but decided she wanted Edi as a husband, and did the requirement process to be married in the Catholic church. Edi told her he would always be a Catholic, and that she should not try to convert him to "her religion." Several stormy years passed. Maria Magdalena had thought she could win him to her viewpoint once they were married, but Edi would not budge. But the Holy Spirit was also quietly at work, and slowly Edi began to change. They were both baptized at the anniversary celebration. Clayton gave words of encouragement and blessing to each one before they entered the water.

Maria Magdalena openly admitted that she had turned her back on her previous baptism commitment, and with tears said she wanted to be baptized again, joining with her husband in a re-dedication of her life to Christ. She eagerly participates in serving in the church, taking responsibility for the children's class in Zhondeleg, while Sixto leads the adult Bible study. Brother and house church leader, Jesus Eugenio Gomez, officiated the baptisms.

Parents expressed a desire to dedicate their children to God, so children of all ages along with their parents gathered for a special prayer. May God raise up this "chosen generation!"

The colorful and exuberant choreography accompanying two lively praise songs presented by the Gomez sisters, nieces and some friends, expressed our gladness and joy over what God had done and is doing in this house church since its birth-day six years ago. Praise be to GOD!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Growing Pains

A song from the 60's hummed its words into my thoughts: "Oh, when will they ever learn?" except that the words said, "Oh, when will she ever learn?" I was stressing over something that seemed to be going wrong. God, can't You see that this should not be happening? my thoughts protested. This is NOT how it's supposed to work out.

On a Sunday night as we drove home from Arenillas, Clayton told me of his conversation with Boris following the evening meeting. Feeling the pressures of a new job, a baby on the way, and various other time and family constraints, Boris wanted to be released from the leadership role of the Arenillas house church network. My first reaction was to protest. It seemed completely wrong. I wondered where God's hand was in this mixed up picture. Then a quiet voice asked, "When will you learn that what looks mixed up and out of control to you may well be that I am moving and bringing growth? When will you learn to trust and anticipate instead of defaulting to panic and worry? Oops! Sorry, Lord.

Gradually we could see a well-laid plan begin to take shape. Our goal has been to form a team of leaders. This seeming upset was God's way of showing Boris he needed to open himself to participating on a team, and convincing the other men that the church and responsibilities had grown and were now more than a one-man job: a team effort is required. Clayton gathered the men in an important meeting shortly after, and the first Arenillas leadership team was formed. The men decided to appoint Edgar as the leadership team coordinator. The men, from Clayton's left, are Segundo, Victor, Edgar, Boris and Fransisco (back to camera).

Hardly without coincidence, God was working on other details. That very same weekend Edgar and Magaly moved from a small apartment into a more spacious house, right in the neighborhood of several of the church families. Their livingroom offers a large meeting place. They were eager to invite the group to their home for the first time. Looking back over the events, we could see God's timing clearly. God was arranging for a team to be formed, a man to take the lead, and an adequate place where group growth could happen.

I'm learning that it's so much better to believe and anticipate!

Edgar is in the blue shirt at the far end of the living room, and Magaly is seated on the low seat beside him.

News from the Mountains:
Up in the hills above Chordeleg, in the tiny settlement of Zhondeleg God has opened doors again -- or maybe the doors were never completely shut!

In November 2008 Luis Vega prohibited his family from continuing with the home Bible studies that Sixto Gomez (Gualaceo) had been leading. The family's interest in Bible study began because of Sixto's testimony to several of his English students. The father was in the United States when the meetings began, but upon his return he opposed their continuing.

The nine adults attending the Bible study hoped and waited, expecting that with time Luis would soften and be more favorable toward the meetings. But he remained staunchly opposed.

Miguel Vera, grandfather to Sixto's English students, and father-in-law to Luis, had made a commitment to Christ and was strongly considering baptism. He longed to continue the Bible study meetings, but what could he do? He and his wife live under the same roof as Luis. Who's the boss in a blended household? But Miguel did not lose hope. He shared his new faith with other family members, and eventually another married daughter opened her home for the meetings. Miguel was so excited as we gathered on May 29 to begin again.

A mixture of adults and children gathered, representing four generations of the Vera family. Thank God for a man like Miguel who would not rest until he had found a way to provide for the precious Word of God to be passed on to his descendants.

Prayer is the golden key to bringing divine intervention into each precious group of believers. "When we work, we work; when we pray, God works," wrote Hudson Taylor, missionary to China. Those words are true wherever God's people do Kingdom business. Whatever else God might be planning to do in the near future, we know it needs prayer back-up. Will you join us?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Victories

Another visit to the hot, dusty city of Arenillas -- is it possible to feel even a little bit excited about visiting this city where spiritual challenges are unending? Only if you go with the expectation that Easter victories are possible and if you remember that there are people who grow dearer with each visit as we get used to being the Body of Christ with one another.

Boris and Veronica Duarte are the church leaders in this city where the outreach strategy is to plant many house churches wherever there are people eager to respond to the Gospel. (photo credit (first two photos) - Rollin Ulrich, Maple City Chapel prayer team)

Arenillas is about the last stop along the road until you get to the border city of Huaquillas, the last stop before you reach Peru. Arenillas is a city you want to drive through usually. Not much happens there that registers on the scale of "you won't want to miss this event." When we stand on the short chunk of sidewalk in front of Boris and Veronica's one bedroom apartment, we see buses passing through every fifteen minutes (or less) and almost a constant stream of mopads, motorcycles, bicycles, moto-taxies, cars, small trucks, people walking and just about anything with wheels. Boris and Veronica live a block beyond the large white building on the left, as seen in the photo below. From this vantage point, the double lane road is heading off toward Peru.

Saturday morning, March 22, three of the Gomez family from Gualaceo arrived for a one day visit to their "sister church" in Arenillas. Excitement was high in Arenillas, as the people looked forward to an evening of celebration and praise to God. Special work went into preparing the borrowed facility. The small group from one area of town paid to have a new banner made, incorporating the name that identifies our outreach: "Way of Life" -- of the One who called us: Jesus Christ."

As the starting time came, people continued to arrive, and we kept arranging chairs for a few more. God used the time to teach us all some special lessons. The Arenillas believers were blest and challenged by the musical skill and the dedication to excellence of their Gualaceo brothers. The Gualaceo brothers were challenged by the evident dedication of the Arenillas family to reach out and bring new people into the kingdom. Mutual encouragement characterized our time together. It was a night to remember.

Above: two Gomez brothers and a nephew from Gualaceo leading worship. Below: Nearly 80 people gathered Saturday evening. Enthusiasm was high as we enjoyed a special time of singing praises to the great God we all call Father - whether from Gualaceo or from Arenillas.

Easter Weekend. The two of us returned to Cuenca late Easter Sunday night from yet another visit to Arenillas. Easter Sunday evening the believers gathered for a Bible study and finished the day celebrating the Lord's Supper together. We felt touched by God's presence with us.

Easter is about new life, and children are a perfect picture of Jesus' words to his followers: "Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of God." Children remind us that new life starts small, humbly and in a learning mode. May this be a message for all of us this Easter: new life is about changing and becoming something new, with God's help. May remembering Easter's victories spark a growth spurt in us for the challenges of life we face.
(The two toddlers pictured below are part of the Gualaceo house church family.)

Monday, February 16, 2009

All Creatures of our God and King

Just thought we would share one of the "extras" of the Prayer Team trip with you.

Our bus-driver, Venicio, was an excellent tour guide. He knows all kinds of interesting tidbits of history and facts about Ecuador's natural wonders. As we drove from Arenillas to Cuenca on Monday afternoon, he suddenly pulled to the side of the road and hopped out. He had spotted a huge spider on the road -- a Tarantula, no less!! And he proceeded to pick it up and bring it over for our enjoyment, or horror, as the case may be.

Truly an amazing part of God's creation! We asked him how he could handle a spider that can be deadly when it stings, and he demonstrated that you cannot grab it, putting a hand over it, but have it crawl up on you. The sting is at the back end of the body and curves upward, so if there's nothing up there to sting, he can't do anything!

A fascinating side attraction to add to our list of adventures! Thank you, Venicio.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

And when you pray...

The visit of a second Prayer Team to Cuenca, Ecuador began the evening of January 31 when a prayer team from Maple City Chapel, our home and sending church in Goshen, Indiana arrived. The team consisted of eight adults and the two of us. From February 1 through the 7th we dedicated hours of every day to intercede for the work of South Ecuador.

Our first twenty-four hours were spent in Arenillas with Boris and Veronica, the leaders of the local group of believers. Prayers varied in kind and place. First we visited and prayed in various homes.

Later an evening meeting extended past 10:00 as the team gathered around individuals asking for prayer. We raised concerts of prayer -- praying aloud together in whatever language felt comfortable, asking God to meet needs and speak to hearts. Specific personal messages of counsel and encouragement were given. It was a precious time.

Monday morning we gathered on a balcony that overlooks the city and prayed and sang words of Scripture and prophecy over the city. How will Arenillas look in five years when God has worked in the lives of more people and broken strongholds and set captives free, as we prayed that God would do? We will continue to pray and wait in expectation, as Psalm 5:3 suggests.

Boris and Veronica and those who could sing in Spanish sang this prayer, “Ayudame a mirar con tus ojos... Help me to see with Your eyes, help me to feel with Your heart… I ask You for peace for my city, I ask You for forgiveness for my city… “

It was hard to tear away, but Monday afternoon we drove to Cuenca and prayer ministry in the highlands of Ecuador. We were eager to share our beautiful country with the team, and to have them continue to meet the people that compose our Ecuador family.

On Thursday we made a long day of travel to various scenic sites. Here is the prayer team (minus one) on a hillside in the Andes Mountains. Rollin Ulrich is proudly showing the gyro-cache prize he and we had gone in search of. That same day, in the towns of Chordeleg and Zhondeleg we met and prayed for the young believers. First at Fernando and Rosa’s pottery shop where we saw the creativity of hands that are gifted to do detail work:

Fernando works at the potter’s wheel, but his chief delight is making miniature figures from the same clay. Rosa is also skilled. Below she holds a clay figure of an indigenous person, a new style of figurine she has begun to make.

Their shop is filled with hundreds of miniature “people” in stages of completion to be made into small scenes of typical folk holiday customs.

In Gualaceo we prayed for Jorge and Libia Gomez – may God bring a reuniting of Jorge’s family with children, father and the father’s new wife. Please pray that God would go beyond our hopes and expectations to bring the family back together in a strong bond of love.

Our time in Gualaceo concluded with a program given in true Gomez family style: FULL enthusiasm. After the team prayed over the family, before everyone left for home, we arranged them for a picture. Some family members were absent, but we gathered all that were available. This shot catches the humor of the moment as one by one all family members on the premises were collected and Clayton hurried in with the last little ones, having herded them in from distant corners.

THANK YOU, Prayer Team, for shar
ing these days with us, for interceding on behalf of these dear brothers and sisters. The praise times, sharing and praying together were an enormous encouragement for us. We will be watching for God to be at work in Arenillas – especially in individual lives, believing God for transformation… In Chordeleg – pushing out the kingdom and growing the church… In Gualaceo – in reconciliation on various fronts, and freedom from bondages that keep the work from growing outward. And in Zhondeleg – that the tiny, struggling group will “find their feet” and begin to walk in all that God desires for them.

Thank You, Maple City Chapel, for sending these friends to hold up our arms as we continue in the spiritual battle and the victories for this part of the world harvest. We love you!