Saturday, September 13, 2008

Focus on Arenillas

We arrived back in Ecuador on Tuesday evening, September 2. By the end of the week we were on our way south to Arenillas, where four couples got married on Saturday evening, the 6th. This post is about a chain of relationships and how God works to bring people to Himself.

In June 2007, Segundo and Mariana were married, the first couple to be married in the Arenillas house church. (see photo above). Even before they were married, Segundo had been sharing his faith with his family and others in his circle of relationships. He was not ashamed to testify of his new faith in Christ. His and Mariana's marriage and subsequent baptism stirred desire in others to also get married and be baptized.

Mariana's three sisters are also believers. When they saw their sister get married and baptized, they too desired to follow those steps of obedience to God's Word. But their common law spouses were not eager to follow through on those ideas. Why change what has worked thus far? they queried. Two of the three sisters already had at least one grandchild.

Time passed. Segundo and Mariana continued to reach out to others in their network of relationships. Segundo sought out his cousin and family of ten children. Each week Segundo and Mariana took the bus out to the banana plantation where the family lived and where Fransisco worked as caretaker. Fransisco and Josefa came to genuine faith in Christ. As the months passed, God continued working.

On September 6 we participated in the happy occasion of the marriage of four couples. Three of the brides were Mariana's sisters with their common law spouses, and Fransisco and Josefa were the fourth couple. What a celebration!

It was a night we will long remember as four couples said their vows to each other.

Sunday we headed to the river for a baptism. All four wives were ready to be baptized, and two of the husbands. What a time of rejoicing as new members joined the Arenillas house church family.

Boris and Segundo baptized Fransisco. He entered the water in his Sunday best -- he was giving his all to Christ -- nothing half-hearted here.

Fransisco hugged Josefa as she came up from the water. Their children gathered to hug them when they reached the river bank.

In January we wrote, telling of Angelica, mother of three daughters, who faithfully attended meetings. Her husband manifested little interest in the Gospel, and Angelica ached to see him come to Christ. Her prayers and strong, quiet faith in Christ finally had an impact. Angelica is one of the three sisters whose common law husband decided to get married.

Angelica went through a lot as she quietly chose to follow Christ
and kept praying for Edwin to be willing to be married and for his salvation. September 6 saw her prayers answered, and Angelica was baptized on Sunday (Edwin is still holding out on a complete surrender of his life to God). She fought back tears as she shared her testimony and then received baptism. We all rejoiced with her at this victory, and continue to pray for Edwin's salvation.

Pray for these couples and the new commitments in Arenillas. The enemy will seek to undo what has been gained for the Kingdom of God. Please pray for their protection and continued commitment to be obedient to Christ and walk out their discipleship with Him.

Partners in the Harvest,
Clayton and Thelma