Thursday, March 21, 2013

He gave some to be... teachers...

The Ephesians 4:11 declaration about the gifts that Jesus pours out on His church continues to be true today. And often we find ourselves in the teacher role. 
Where? Clayton taught for a semester at the local seminary on how to work with people in premarital and marriage counseling. To be honest, a lot of the teaching was taken to heart very personally by the students -- but teaching was happening! The majority were young single adults who were eager to hear some good counsel -- without seeming to eager...

 Various married students also were eager to receive words of advice for personal situations or for a need they knew about. It was a special joy to serve these eager students for almost ten weeks.

Thelma is currently teaching through a series known as Pastoral Theology, basic Bible doctrine and understandings of the faith, using a series of well designed workbooks written years ago in Chile. The course is designed for students to study a significant amount of material before class, and then class time is used for group discussion and expanding the themes studied. The entire course will last nearly 18 months. So far enthusiasm remains high. This study is being held in the Gualaceo house church.

 Twelve students are now working in book 2. We are thrilled that these young adults are eager to increase their understanding and strengthen their faith in sound Bible understandings. We know that soon some of these young people will be leaders along side of the current leaders. 

 Pray that each participant will become a confident, strong leader for the future of the Gualaceo house church and help to bring expansion into new groups.

Out of this group and Arenillas house church we are beginning to see that Jesus continues to give to His church -- apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Pray that each believer will find their place in the growing Body of Christ in these two areas.