Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Once more from Ecuador!

This past weekend was definitely a first ever experience for us. We hope this story will spark your desire to find new, creative ways to connect with the people who cross your path.

On November 5 we held a wedding in Arenillas for a young deaf couple. The bride's parents came to Christ when she was a young teenager. Nelly's parents were married and baptized in 2008. The challenge for this wedding was how to make the ceremony meaningful for the couple who would hear none of the music, none of the message, none of
the excited conversations about plans and the actual proceedings of the ceremony.

My thoughts turned to a retired missionary friend who had visited Arenillas with us once with the intent to meet and get acquainted with Nelly. She and Nelly had connected well. Oh, how I wished Peggy was still here. An email to Peggy put us in contact with a talented young woman in Cuenca, a young dentistry professor who has adopted work with the deaf as her special ministry. She and two friends disciple about a dozen young people in a Baptist church here in Cuenca. We were thrilled when she said she would spend the weekend with us in Arenillas to help with the special ministry needed for Carlos and Nelly.

Friday evening we gathered around the family table, and Liz's gracious spirit and patience opened the way for important communication to take place. ALL of us were learning how to relate to people with a hearing handicap, and she was a significant catalyst for strengthening relationships.

At 8:30 Saturday evening, the wedding finally began.

Carlos and Nelly and Nelly's two little sisters, Gabriela and Kimberly, with mother and father seated behind them.

Throughout the ceremony, Liz was immediately at hand to interpret and help Carlos and Nelly be a part of all that happened. Their eyes were continually on Liz as she interpreted the songs and Clayton's message. Here Clayton is reading for the congregation and the couple the simple vows written out in language suited for a deaf person's understanding. They publicly signed their names on the written promises, a formality that contributed to the solemnity of the occasion for them.

Liz helped Fransisco, Nelly's father, share special regards to the couple.

Carlos, Nelly and Nelly's parents, Josefa and Fransisco.

The next morning we gathered at the river for a baptism. A baptism? Yes, Nelly and Carlos indicated that they wanted to also be baptized, even as they had observed other couples before them. We gathered together at the river to celebrate this step in their lives as well.

Liz continued signing for Carlos and Nelly as the morning meeting got underway. Her signing skills were of interest to everyone. How could her gestures communicate so much?! Yet Carlos and Nelly obviously understood. As a brief part of the Sunday baptism service, Clayton asked Liz to communicate to the church how we could be an important part in helping Carlos and Nelly and other deaf people feel loved, accepted, and welcomed into the body of Christ. She told how many deaf people are often lonely and encouraged us all to learn to sign. Many caught a new vision of a new kind of outreach for the Arenillas church.

Liz signed as Clayton gave the meditation by the river before the baptism.

Carlos and Nelly laugh as Liz's signing connects with their understanding.

Liz made herself available to the couple for interpreting, helping Carlos and Nelly stay connected with the activities. Here she signs Clayton's words as they are about to be baptized.

As we drove home from the weekend events, Liz expressed again her desire to continue a relationship with Nelly and Carlos, and to bring two other young adults along to share in a ministry to the deaf young people in Arenillas. She is eager for Carlos to meet Pedro, another deaf young man who's love and passion for God spur him to share the Gospel whenever he can.

Carlos, Nelly and Carlos' mother

We thank God and Liz for making this weekend something that connected meaningfully to the hearts of two young people who are starting on a new life venture. What can and will God do with this young couple? We hope this is but the beginning of a new avenue of ministry for the Arenillas believers. Pray that Carlos and Nelly will desire to reach out to others as their own faith in Christ becomes more sure and secure.

1 comment:

Peru Wengers said...

What a special wedding! Hello from Gordon and Betsie Wenger. We wanted to send you a letter, and wondered what your mailing address was. . . could you email it to us at Thank you!