Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"A Time To Plant..."

It was a conference for church planters -- people who are about the business of planting the kingdom of God wherever they live and work. Thankfully the conference proved to be a time when truth, encouragement, ideas and mutual support were planted in the hearts of the planters. More than 80 people from various regions in south Ecuador gathered for a first-time conference for leaders and potential leaders of house churches on the first weekend of November. It was a thrill and privilege to participate as attendees and experience God teaching us how to better do the tasks before us. 

The following photos tell a bit of the story of a Saturday and Sunday gathering of people eager to spread the good news that "the kingdom of God is near." Our goal was to learn how to better impact and make this message accessible to people through house churches.  Below: an attentive audience.

 A dynamic teacher for the weekend conference of the South Ecuador Network of House Churches. His key challenge: to take the church to the people instead of making the people come to the church.
Main speaker: Fabián Cortez, Quito Ecuador

All participants were assigned groups that did all activities together throughout the weekend.

On a large sheet of paper each group had to design and illustrate the leadership dynamic principle assigned to their group to explore and explain to the gathered participants.

Working together prodded us to learn how to share leadership responsibilities.
Then came the presentations as each group enthusiastically told how the "body part" they were assigned illustrated some aspect of leadership and group dynamics that need to be incorporated into a healthy house church. Below: the hearing ear...

This group told us about warm hands that reach -- reach out to draw in, reach toward fellow believers to serve. Attendees were a cultural mix of Ecuadorians -- from the coastal region, from the Andes highlands along with brothers and sisters from the indigenous Quechua Indian population. Note the speaker's black hat in the photo below -- part of the dress style of Quechua men, along with a long braid of black hair and knee length pants. All participants joined in eagerly.

We watched with interest as each small group displayed their artwork and creative drama in order to teach the house church principles we had been assigned to study and teach from our textbooks.

Church planter pioneer and the brain and heart behind the organizing of this conference, Patricio Orellana, far right, back to camera, stayed mostly behind the scenes as he empowered members of his various house church network leaders to facilitate the weekend activities. Jorge Gomez from Gualaceo (white shirt, speaking) and Edgar Jaramillo from Arenillas (red striped shirt) were part of this team's presentation of "an encouraging tongue."

We were thrilled that twenty of our leaders and potential leaders could attend and be challenged. We were motivated and encouraged by so many other brothers and sisters learning along with us how to more creatively and effectively spread the good news of the Kingdom of God.

When the day and a half conference ended and we went our separate ways, we knew that we were part of large band of people with a vision for reaching individuals, families and homes in south Ecuador for Christ. We returned to our homes with new vision, inspiration for greater effectiveness and ideas to implement.  Below: Outdoor break between sessions.

Thank You, Father, for making it possible for us to participate in this important vision-expanding opportunity with other house church leaders.


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